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to bundle up mobile electric cords or to fix larger material to transport it, we have developed a special kind of elastic tie, which is clearly easier to use than common plastic cable-ties.


Within this webpage you can order BIND-FIX , if you want. You will be surprised, how easy it can be in the future to handle cables without nasty entanglement.



Copyright © 2005 - 2023, patented and produced by BIND-FIX PROFESSIONAL ELASTICS, technical equipment
Ing. Hermann Payer, Seidlgasse 29, 1030 Wien
Tel. ++43/1/718 31 71, email: ing.payer/at\

Aufsichtsbehörde: Mag. Bezirksamt für den 3. und 11. Bezirk / Wien

Berufsverband: Wirtschaftskammer Wien, Sparte Handel
UID-Nr: ATU-10974007